Writer's Block Monologue: On Base

**I occassionally use monologues to help me get through Writer's Block. I occassionally write them out. I occasionally make them public on my blog. Here is one of them.**

The first time I got to "First Base" was in eigth grade and the young lass' name was Laquisha Watkins. The location was the eigth grade coat room on the 4th floor of Notre Dame de Chicago Elementary School. An institution which is no longer there. I was Latino, she was Black; I was in 8th grade, she was in 7th - there were so many taboo elements to this relationship that it made for a thrilling after school drama. 

It was early spring day in 1988. I was hanging out in the 8th grade class room re-organizing my desk, as I often did, when three young girls from the 7th grade tried to get my attention. They teased, they scremed, they giggled and eventually I walked out of the 8th grade classroom to see what the fuss was about. According to them, there was "something" in the coat room and they were afraid to see what it was. At 5'2'' (my then and current height), I was an eight grader ready to face this "something" so that I can show the 7th grade girls that I wasn't afraid of a little action. Little did I know... 

I poked my head into the dark coat room and was pushed in from behind. The large wooden door closed behind me. As my eyes attempted to adjust to the dark, I felt someone grab my face and begin to kiss me. My first (of many) awkward moments with the opposite sex had been initiated. After what seemed like minutes (but most likely just seconds) we emerged from the coat room like Boof and Scott in Teen wolf (remember that!) but there was, fortunately, not a room of our peers there to cheer us on. 

This relationship continued through the end of the spring semester and then ended at the end of the school year. It was the final year for Notre Dame Academy so we were all caught up with the attempt to save it from closure by the archdiocese. We were unsuccessful and the following year, the school, including the infamous coat room met the wrecking ball and is now just another parking lot on the south side of Chicago.
